Quick tip about SqlCmd.exe 13
Some days ago, I’ve installed Visual Studio 2017 and today, I’ve try to execute a simple SQL query with SQLCMD.EXE.
What’s the problem ? No really one… except that I’ve received an “ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server” error and “Login timeout expired”. After some hours to find why this error occurred (on a script already used before) and how to solve that… And I’ve found that it’s working with the previous version of SQLCMD but not with the new version. I don’t know why.
So, my workaround is to add a new item in the “PATH System Environment Variables” (follow this link to explain how to), and to move up this item before SQL Server 130 (my SQL Server 2016)… see screenshots below.
PS: you can check the version of SqlCmd.exe, using the /? argument.